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Insurance for Basejumping
In Switzerland a basejumper is subject to the same laws and regulations as a skydiver, as defined by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA).
Photo: Thomas Ulrich
Basejumping is legal in Switzerland, but we are required by the authorities to self-regulate our sport. We strongly recommend that you have a valid skydiving license, a health insurance and a third-party liability insurance when jumping in Switzerland.
Our former partner GENERALI has cancelled our contract in 2022 and we can no longer sell third-party liability insurances for basejumping. Please try to find a solution with your own insurance company. Basejumpers who live in Switzerland can get in touch with MOBILIAR which offers an additional third-party liability insurance for basejumping.

Why do I need a third-party liability insurance?
When things go wrong in Switzerland, it can ruin your life financially. Imagine you have a line-twist and you land on the road causing an accident with a few cars involved. Are you sure you want to take that risk?
What does it cover for?
A third-party liability insurance covers for damage to property (houses, cars, power lines, etc.) and damage to uninvolved persons.
Where can I get a third-party liability insurance?
Get in touch with your own insurance company.
Does the MOBILIAR insurance cover if my skydiving license has expired?
No, it doesn't.
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